Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

Yann Régis-Gianas is a participant of the EU-FP7 Certified Complexity project (CerCo). This European project started in February 2010 as a collaboration between Bologna university (Asperti, Coen), Edinburgh university (Pollack) and Paris Diderot university (Amadio, Régis-Gianas). The CerCo project aims at the construction of a formally verified complexity preserving compiler from a large subset of the C programming language to some typical micro-controller assembly language, of the kind traditionally used in embedded systems. Nicolas Ayache's postdoc is funded by this project.

Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey and Matthieu Sozeau submitted a proposal for a PHC Van Gogh with the university of Nijmegen in the Netherlands. This proposal is about the mathematical libraries of Coq, type classes, and the homotopic interpretation of equality in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions.

Hugo Herbelin is the participant of a submitted proposal for a PHC Pavle Savić with the university of Novi Sad in Serbia, the mathematical institute of Belgrade, ENS Lyon and the university of Turin. This proposal is on a general thematic logic and types. Hugo Herbelin is also the participant of a submitted proposal for another PHC Pavle Savić with the university of Belgrade and the university of Strasbourg. This proposal is about automated deduction and formal geometry.